Using Git and GitHub for Version Control

Thursday, January 21, 2016 in M1-A303/305, 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Paul Litwin from Collaborative Data Services is going to be giving a talk coming up on Git, the version control system. Here is his description:

Programmers, statisticians, and data scientists all have the need for version control and the sharing of source code and other materials. Come to this session to learn about git, a free distributed version control system that runs on Windows, Linux, and OS/X. You will learn how to create a git repository (repo), and how to stage and commit changes. You will also learn how to create a remote repo on GitHub and how to pull and push changes to GitHub. You will learn about creating branches and merging changes. Paul’s demos will primarily use git at the Windows command line and OS/X terminal, but Paul will also discuss other ways to use git.

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