Scientific computing resources at FHCRC

Jerry Davison and Martin Morgan

06 March 2014

For updated content, please see the Computing section of the Biomedical Data Science Wiki



1 Scientific Computing’s resources run the Linux operating system
 1.1 Access
 1.2 Logging in to a rhino
 1.3 Starting and using R from the shell


1 Scientific Computing’s resources run the Linux operating system

Many high-performance computers here and elsewhere run the Linux operating system. Interaction with it to access and manipulate files is through text commands. There are plenty of web sites offering help, here are two, and a publisher:

The Scientific Computing group ( at the Hutch provides high-performance computing access to FHCRC researchers, without charge. These computers enable analyses difficult or impossible to perform on a typical laptop; all run the same version of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. There are four rhino machines, with these capabilities:

1.1 Access

There are several ways to access a rhino:

MAC OS X and Linux: open a terminal and log in with the secure shell command

ssh -X myHutchID@rhino

and then enter your password. You’ll be connected to one of the rhino’s. The -X option enable X11 forwarding – so that plots can be presented on your laptop .

MS Windows users: use PuTTY – get putty.exe from to open a rhino terminal, and install Xming ( to process R plot commands – so plots can be presented on your laptop.

The first time you run PuTTY you’ll need to navigate through the Category menu on the left to Connection, SSH, and X11; click on the Enable X11 forwarding box. Return to Session and Save the Default Settings. In the Host Name box enter rhino04 and click on Open. Log in with your Hutch ID and password. To enable plotting you need to start Xming.

1.2 Logging in to a rhino

When logging in to one of the rhino’s you can specify a particular rhino (rhino01, rhino02, rhino03, or rhino04). This text is printed to your screen when you log in:

Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.5.0-43-generic x86_64)  
                    IMPORTANT NOTES:  
         (************ UPDATED ************)  
* This computer is intended for interactive scientific computing,  
  development and for compute jobs that require > 20GB memory.  
* If you are running a long & CPU intensive job (> 1h) and your  
  job requires less than 20GB of memory you can start an inter-  
  active session to Gizmo by using the 'grab*' commands to get  
  immediate access to a compute server with 1-12 cores.  
  However in most cases it will be more effective if you use the  
  sbatch commmand.  
  * Shared folders can be found in:  
* To use this system most effectively, please read this summary:  

Do have a look at the documentation at\%20Cluster\%20Quickstart.aspx and login for an introduction to using the scientific computing resources, especially if you plan to run long analyses. If you have questions about using them, send email to

1.3 Starting and using R from the shell

To start an R session, at the shell prompt enter “R”:

myShellPrompt$ R

> plot(1:10, type=’h’)
> q()

To use R studio instead, enter:

myShellPrompt$ rstudio