Command line: getting cozy

How to be comfortable in the shell. This guide is intended for people who already use the shell, and want to make their experience more comfortable and convenient. If you have suggestions, make them here.

Finding things

With desktop OS’s, we are used to being able to see where we are and search easily by filenames and content. Let’s see some linux commands to stay oriented.


The tree command shows the nested directory structure as a tree:

├── buckle
│   └── shoe
│       └── file.txt
└── one
    └── two

This can get pretty lengthy when we have a big directory tree, so we can limit it with -L, say in this case tree -L 2:

├── buckle
│   └── shoe
└── one
    └── two


GNU Find is an incredibly powerful command. It is generally used for finding files by their characteristics, such as name or size, rather than by their contents (more on that later). It is complex enough to get its own Wikipedia page, which in fact has a nice collection of examples.

I mostly just use it for a few simple things, illustrated by the following examples:

grep & friends

Moving on to finding files by their content, the first step is the classic grep.

To find occurrences of the string “smooshable” in any file contained in the current directory, just write

grep -R smooshable

where the -R is for recursive search across the directory tree.

I don’t actually use recursive grep much. If I’m looking for something in a git repository I use git grep:

git grep smooshable

which is fast and tidier because it doesn’t find things in the .git directory, etc.

If I have a lot of big files to search through, ag, the silver searcher is a great tool. It searches recursively by default, so in this example

ag smooshable

will get you a nicely formatted list of instances. Note that ag also has lots of nice editor integrations.

Handling lots of output

Sometimes you run a command, say ps aux, and it spits a lot of output onto your screen and you lose what was at the top. One way to handle this is just to let it do its thing then scroll around using Shift with Page Up and Page Down. Another way is to pipe the output to less, for example

ps aux | less

If your output is wide and long, then you may want less -S, which doesn’t wrap lines.

Terminal multiplexing

When working on a modern desktop computer, it’s easy to arrange multiple windows side by side, to switch between applications, etc. On the command line this is achieved by use of a “terminal multiplexer”. This is absolutely essential for working on remote machines, where one can detach and re-attach sessions with all their attendant windows.

We’ve covered this in detail in our bioinformatics intro class slides and in an intro article so I’m not going to go into detail beyond that.

I should mention that if you are using a terminal multiplexer then the scrolling described above is a little different: the Shift-Page Up won’t work as you want it to. In tmux you enter the copy mode, then just use Page Up and Page Down to scroll.


Your “history” is the list of commands you have entered. The easiest way to get back in your history is just to hit the up arrow. Repeatedly hitting up arrow will take you back in time, while down arrow takes you forward in time. When we see a command that we like, we can hit Return to execute that command, or use the left and right arrow keys to move to a place where we can edit it.

Here are some commands to help you browse that history:

You can also search through your history. Hitting Ctrl-r brings up reverse interactive search. In this example, I typed tags, which brings up the most recent command containing the string tags:

$ git describe --tags --long
bck-i-search: tags_

You can cycle through earlier commands by hitting Ctrl-r again. If you want to cancel your reverse search, use Ctrl-g.

It appears that OS X truncates your history at a measly 500 lines. Phooey on that! Put this in your .bashrc to get an unlimited history:

export HISTSIZE=

More about your .bashrc below. Note that this isn’t a perfect solution and a better one exists, but it’s good enough.

The last word in history

There is a very handy trick to go cycle through the last words in your history. Say I’m doing the following:

git add horribly/long/path/to/file.txt
git status

and now I remember I wanted to make one more modification to horribly/long/path/to/file.txt. One can hit the up arrow two times and then replace git add with an invocation of an editor.

But there’s something slicker. Alt-. cycles through the previous last words in the command history and puts them on the command line. In this example, I could say vi Alt-. Alt-. and vi horribly/long/path/to/file.txt would result.

For the OS X fans out there, you will use Option in place of Alt, which may require some configuration (note Meta is another name for Alt in this context).

Command line editing

Maybe you just put together a big command, but realized that there’s some problem at the very beginning. Do you use the arrow keys to go one letter by letter to the start of the line? No! You use the following handy commands:

What is Meta? If you are on a PC keyboard, it’s the Alt key. If you are on a Mac, it may be Option already, or a little configuration may be required.

On the other hand, if you are using Ubuntu (e.g. you are using the Fred Hutch servers) then you should just be able to use Ctrl with the left and right arrows to move by word. If this doesn’t work, you just need to add a little to your .bashrc.

If things get really gnarly, you can use Ctrl-x-e to drop into your specified editor and edit your line.

Interacting with the web

To get something off the web, use wget and then the web address. This is handy in combination with the “raw” address for files on GitHub (available as a button on the right hand side of a file’s page), e.g.:


Another related tool is curl, which is quite powerful.

If you actually have to interact with the web via the command line, you can always use lynx. If you want to watch nyan cat, you can do so by executing



If you want to customize the way your shell works, you need to run certain programs each time your shell starts. If you use bash (and you probably use bash if you don’t know what shell you use) then you can run these programs by putting them in your .bashrc. Perhaps you already know about this file for modifying your PATH variable.

For example, here are a few of my favorite aliases:

alias lst='ls -clth | head'
alias ll='ls -lh'
alias path='readlink -f'

If I want those to be there every time I log in, I want to put those lines in my .bashrc.

Git prompt

I don’t mind what shells or editors people in my group use, but I really feel strongly that everyone should use a shell prompt that displays information about git status. Not having this inevitably leads to confusion with partial commits.

The git folks understand this and have made a git prompt script. Bash folks: you can grab this using the wget command above, move it to ~/, and throw this in your .bashrc:

source ~/
PS1='[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ '

If you use zsh you probably have all of this configured, but I’d suggest trying out antigen which has a plugin system making all this trivial.

Moving around

We all know and love cd, but moving around with raw cd can get tedious. First a few little tricks:

But still, getting deep in a directory tree takes a lot of typing and/or tab completion. For this reason, I use autojump, which remembers where you’ve been so you can move around more quickly. Before you install that tool, though, take a look at the next section, which also offers a faster way to navigate deep in directory trees.

Fuzzy finding

We all love tab completion. But sometimes it too can be painful. Consider this list of files, which is the various posts that have appeared on                                                

to tab-complete through these files is a pain, because I actually want to say something about the content, which is past the date.

Thus we can use fuzzy finding, which allows us to use arbitrary substrings to find what I want. This is available in GitHub for finding files, and actually even in the Chrome address bar. With fuzzy finding, you can just type substrings of your desired string and the matcher will find items that contain those substrings.

For example, if I want the posts from 2015 that contain galaxy, I could type 2015galaxy, and :boom:
> 2015galaxy

we get a list of the files that contain 2015 and galaxy. In fact, I could have typed 15axy and gotten the same result, because it matches the same set of files.

There are lots of fuzzy finding tools and extensions for editors. I suggest giving fzf a try. You can do all sorts of fancy things, but to get started the three basic command overrides should be useful:

Making friends with vi and vim

Vi is a wonderful, powerful, but completely arcane editor. It’s worth being able to use because even the sparsest linux install will have some variant of vi. Also, when working with remote machines, it’s nice to be able to edit text in a powerful editor directly on that machine. Finally, sometimes another program (e.g. git) will plop you into vim without you realizing it, so it’s nice to know what to do in this situation. In addition, many programs, such as less use vim keybindings for fast navigation.

Your first encounter with vi is likely to mostly be concerned with how to exit. So, here we go (you can execute vi at the command line to test this out in a vi session):

Exiting vi

The simplest vi session

Now, say you have a single file and want to make a simple modification to it.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?

Using the command mode

So far the only real action has been in insert mode. The other mode in vi is the command mode. In this mode you can quickly navigate and modify your file using key commands.

Also, I’m going to assume now that you have vim installed, which is a safe assumption (generally vi redirects you to vim).

Moving around quickly

There are lots of ways to move around beyond the arrow keys, but I’m just going to describe three:

You can prefix these commands with numbers to move faster, e.g. 3w moves you forward three words. If you want more, see the documentation, this wallpaper and this poster.

Ctrl-o jumps you back to previously visited locations, while Ctrl-i jumps you forward. You can think of these as undo and redo for movement.

Cutting and pasting

There is a simple way to cut and paste using vim which is exactly analogous to a word processor: highlight a block of text, then copy or cut, then paste.

You can also cut and paste using d and y together with a motion key (e.g. dw cuts a word, and d2w cuts two); dd and yy cut or copy an entire line, respectively.


If you ever mess anything up (which is easy to do in command mode), u is undo and Ctrl-r is redo (from command mode).

Everyone does this once

To save, do not use Ctrl-s. This will only lock your terminal, which you then must rescue by using Ctrl-q. As described above, use escape to leave insert mode then call :w, or :wa to save all files you might have open.

Vim resources

Note that these guides insist that you can’t use the arrow keys. You certainly can, though it’s not considered hip (because vim is all about efficiency, and moving your hands from home position to the arrow keys is not efficient.)

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